Sunday, September 30, 2012

Stuff Nobody Says at Northern

Hello friends,

I have never had a problem telling people how much I love ONU. Some may complain about the location and the price, but I have had such an amazing experience and wouldn't have changed anything.Although I love the people that I've met, the campus and the opportunities I've had, there are always things about school that get on my nerves.

 I came up with the idea for this post as I was walking back from class in the pouring rain and without my rain boots. My jeans were soaking wet by the time I got back and I said to myself, "I love walking back from class in the pouring rain." Obviously that statement is oozing with sarcasm, but it made me think of a good friend from my summer internship. During my time at a summer camp for children, my friend Hannah and I compiled a list of things nobody says at camp. The list was hilarious because we thought of all the things that drove us crazy about camp and turned it into a sarcastic comment. For example, "I love when one of my campers wakes me up at 4 a.m. to tell me she can't sleep," or "cafeteria food is delicious!" Turning negative aspects of camp into funny sarcastic statements helped us to stay sane in a very hectic environment.

So I've decided to compile a list of things nobody says at Northern.

1. I love campus security! They never give me unnecessary parking tickets.
2. I look forward to Capstone every week.
3. Writing papers is the best.
4. I have never missed an 8 a.m. class before.
5. Mac food is my favorite!
6.The carp in the pond are not disgusting at all.
7.John and Tony's is a classy establishment.
8. Our general education classes are super easy.
9. The tundra is a wonderful place in the winter time.
10. I've definitely been in every building on campus.
11.Our student body really supports our athletic teams.
12. The law library is not intimidating at all.
13.Text books are so cheap.
14. I have never had Taco Bell or McDonalds late at night.
15.Walking to class in the rain is great!
16. I've never fallen asleep in the library before.
17.I love almost getting run over by people on their bikes.
18. I always have a parking space right by my building.
19. I love scheduling my classes.
20. I never get overwhelmed with my classes.
21. I have never pulled an all nighter.

As I said before, I love ONU and I always speak highly of the university, (hence why I am a Bear Ambassador). If anyone has any more to add to the list, please share!

PS- watch this YouTube video of stuff nobody says, it is so funny!

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Oh Katie! I love this! I was seriously cracking up while I read this. Some of these are so true! Numbers 1,2 and 3 I can ABSOLUTELY relate to. The YouTube video was great, too. Thanks for making this long night a little more bearable.
