I was perusing around on Pintrest, (I'm obsessed) and I came across some information that I thought was worth sharing. My typical Pintrest routine includes women's fashion, nail art and quotes, but I decided to look up social media.
While I was sorting through all of the pins, I found one titled,"Top 10 Social Media Tips." I figured there would be some valuable information, and I was right. I will share some of the helpful tips provided by ME Marketing Services.
1. Find the top influencers in your niche and follow them. You will be surprised at what you learn.
2. To gain exposure on LinkedIn, try posting & answering in the Answers section.
3. Questions & Pictures get the most response.
4. Use clean language. Using foul language or profanity is the quickest way to get unfollowed or blocked.
5. Welcome your new Twitter followers. Send them a tweet or DM.
6. If pinning to Pinterest, pin from the original source or your website.
7. Acknowledge! People want to be noticed. Respond to mentions, posts, retweets and direct messages!
8. Share you links. You have an audience in each platform. Cross-promote your latest post or your website.
9. To educate yourself, subscribe to a few blogs from your niche.
10. You do not have to do it all! Pick the platforms that work best for your business and work them!
Now I know that some of these tips are ones that you've heard a million times, but some of them are new and I thought they were useful. What I really liked, was that not all of the tips were about one social media site. They covered multiple different sites like Pintrest, LinkedIn and Blogs.
Number six was one of the tips that I especially liked. I think it is really annoying when you click on an image and you can't get to the original site. You should pin from the original source, because the customer may want additional information about the product and it allows them to check out your company. Tip number four is very "common sense," but it is so true. Customers and readers are very turned off by foul language. It is offensive and it makes you look less credible. Intelligent people should be able to find a better way to voice their opinions. The last tip that I really liked was number five. I'm still new to Twitter, but I think welcoming new followers with a message is a great idea. If customers or "followers" feel welcomed, they are more inclined to pay attention to what you have to say.
I hope that you enjoyed these tips. If you have a favorite tip from this list, or have some tips of your own, please share!!
Until next time,
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