Is anyone else amazed by celebrities and how ridiculous they are sometimes. You would think that they would use their fame and their ability to impact people for something good, but no. Instead, there are those wonderful celebrities like Paris Hilton that contribute nothing to society, yet somehow manage to continuously say something idiotic that lands them in the spotlight. If you have yet to hear Ms. Hilton's latest intelligent statement, you are in for a treat. She was recorded in a New York cab saying, "Gay guys are the horniest people in the world. They're disgusting. Dude, most of them probably have AIDS. I would be so scared if I was a gay guy. You'll like, die of AIDS." Impressive isn't it?
Obviously Paris Hilton is not a homophobic. She "jokingly" made this completely insensitive comment to one of her gay male friends and has a very large gay following. The problem that Paris Hilton has, is that she doesn't think before she speaks. As a public figure, this is the worst quality you can have. The killer is, this is not her first offense. She has been in similar situations before due to thoughtless comments. If I was her publicist, I would fire her. Can you imagine the damage control she has to do now? Paris has been all over the news apologizing for her careless words. The situation is so much worse than previous mishaps because the comment was made about the population that supports her the most. Paris made a public apology on the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) website. She took responsibility for her comment and said, "I am so sorry and so upset that I caused pain to my gay friends, and their families."
You should never ever insult or speak poorly about your target audience, they are the reason why you exist. I understand making a mistake once, but when you are constantly in the public eye, repeat mistakes kill your reputation. Case and point, Paris Hilton.
Until next time.
Wow. Just wow. I've never really liked Paris Hilton because she always does make idiotic comments, but I can't believe she would say something like that about her biggest following of people! At least she is apologizing for her actions, but you can't undo what's already done.