Sunday, November 18, 2012

Tell Me Something I Haven't Already Heard

Can we give this shirt to Katie Paine?
Hello friends,

I had the unfortunate opportunity to read Chapter 14 of Katie Paine's Measure What Matters. Seven hours on a bus was boring enough, but this chapter about measuring what matters in higher education about bored me to tears. Katie Paine is queen bee in her field, but her book is like a broken record; she said the same thing over and over again!

As if we haven't heard about the steps of measurement in every chapter, she has the nerve to tell us about them again. This chapter presents five steps for getting an A in measurement.

Step 1: Identify and prioritize your audience.
Step 2: Define your objectives and get everyone on the same page.
Step 3: Establish a benchmark
Step 4: Pick a measurement tool and collect data.
Step 5: Analyze the data, glean insight, make changes, and measure again.

All I can say about this chapter is "Duh!" My poor classmates could recite these steps for every situation in their sleep. Katie Paine has literally beat the concept into my brain, therefore I do not need to read it any more. I know that when we graduate and find jobs, these five steps will be a part of our every day lives.All I can say is thank goodness it's over!

Until next time,



  1. I completely agree! Every chapter was the same steps different scenario; it was quite repetitive. I guess the good thing is that it was pounded into our heads and now we will never forget it, but it was annoying to read every chapter.

  2. I'm right there with you Katie! It was a tad over-kill on making sure we understood the steps. I'm sure we will all remember the steps though. I'm not sure how we could forget them! I didn't care for the book from chapter one. Hope you had fun in St. Louis!
