Sunday, September 30, 2012

Stuff Nobody Says at Northern

Hello friends,

I have never had a problem telling people how much I love ONU. Some may complain about the location and the price, but I have had such an amazing experience and wouldn't have changed anything.Although I love the people that I've met, the campus and the opportunities I've had, there are always things about school that get on my nerves.

 I came up with the idea for this post as I was walking back from class in the pouring rain and without my rain boots. My jeans were soaking wet by the time I got back and I said to myself, "I love walking back from class in the pouring rain." Obviously that statement is oozing with sarcasm, but it made me think of a good friend from my summer internship. During my time at a summer camp for children, my friend Hannah and I compiled a list of things nobody says at camp. The list was hilarious because we thought of all the things that drove us crazy about camp and turned it into a sarcastic comment. For example, "I love when one of my campers wakes me up at 4 a.m. to tell me she can't sleep," or "cafeteria food is delicious!" Turning negative aspects of camp into funny sarcastic statements helped us to stay sane in a very hectic environment.

So I've decided to compile a list of things nobody says at Northern.

1. I love campus security! They never give me unnecessary parking tickets.
2. I look forward to Capstone every week.
3. Writing papers is the best.
4. I have never missed an 8 a.m. class before.
5. Mac food is my favorite!
6.The carp in the pond are not disgusting at all.
7.John and Tony's is a classy establishment.
8. Our general education classes are super easy.
9. The tundra is a wonderful place in the winter time.
10. I've definitely been in every building on campus.
11.Our student body really supports our athletic teams.
12. The law library is not intimidating at all.
13.Text books are so cheap.
14. I have never had Taco Bell or McDonalds late at night.
15.Walking to class in the rain is great!
16. I've never fallen asleep in the library before.
17.I love almost getting run over by people on their bikes.
18. I always have a parking space right by my building.
19. I love scheduling my classes.
20. I never get overwhelmed with my classes.
21. I have never pulled an all nighter.

As I said before, I love ONU and I always speak highly of the university, (hence why I am a Bear Ambassador). If anyone has any more to add to the list, please share!

PS- watch this YouTube video of stuff nobody says, it is so funny!

Until next time,


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Real-Time social networking matters

Hello Friends,

I have decided that for the remainder of the semester I am going to post about my PR readings first. This is not the most exciting topic to blog about, nor is it the most to read about. I should also try and get it out of the way at the beginning of the week and save the topics I enjoy blogging about for the end of the week. Something to look forward to I suppose.

We are still reading Real-Time Marketing & PR by David Meerman Scott. So far, I have actually enjoyed reading this book and I feel that it does have valuable information in it (probably the reason why my professor chose the book).

This week we discussed how company websites are transforming into real-time marketing and sales machines. David Meerman Scott lists in the book elements of a technology infrastructure that are crucial to support a real-time business.

1.Real-time news and commentary: Data feeds from external sources including mainstream media, analysts and information databases.
2. Real-time social web: Real-time blogs posts, tweets, online video and other social networking content.
3. Real-time web site traffic: Information on your company's web sites updated in real time as people interact.
4. Customer database: Includes all existing customers and their purchasing history, plus records of who has contacted them, when and about what.

I believe that all of these elements are important not only for customers, but for employees of a company. A solid technological infrastructure allows a company to stay informed about its target market and gives them the ability to respond in real-time to the needs of all their customers. As a consumer, I appreciate a company that has product information that is easily accessible for customers.

TOPSHOP is a retail clothing store that utilizes real-time social web extremely well. They cover all of the major social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, blogs and Pintrest. Customers can use all of these different mediums to search for information about products, new trends, events, designers and other topics related to the business. I feel that companies that include social media networking content do a much better job at reaching their customers than those companies that don't.

Some people may think having more than one social networking site for a business is excessive, but you have more of a chance to reach your target audience. I love that I can follow TOPSHOP on Pintrest, Twitter and Facebook because I really like their clothes and they always have really interesting up-to-date content on their sites.

Do you have a company that you follow that utilizes real-time social networking?

Until next time,


Monday, September 24, 2012

Nothing Good Happens to Those Who Wait

Hello Friends,

This week in class we are back to reading Real -Time Marketing & PR by David Meerman Scott. We talked about how important it is to react to whats going on in the world in real-time. Scott said that now more than any other time in history, speed and agility are decisive competitive advantages.

The one example that was used in the book that I found very interesting was TMZ. They are a great example of a company that responds in real-time because they are an upstart celebrity media news service, but they are still able to cover the big stories before any other leading news outlets.

After Michael Jackson's tragic death, surprisingly, TMZ was the first news service to report on the story. You would think that stations like FOX, CNN or CBS would have been prepared to jump on the story.They didn't respond in real time and missed the opportunity to be the first to report on a huge story.

I'm not a huge fan of TMZ because I don't really care about the type of news they report. Even though I may not respect everything they do, I have to respect how quickly they respond to new stories. It's like they have reporters waiting in the bushes for things to happen so TMZ can be the first to run the story.They must be doing something right because between 2005 and 2008, TMZ increased their revenue from zero to $25 million.

Until next time,


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Don't Be a Repeat Offender

Hello Friends,

Is anyone else amazed by celebrities and how ridiculous they are sometimes. You would think that they would use their fame and their ability to impact people for something good, but no. Instead, there are those wonderful celebrities like Paris Hilton that contribute nothing to society, yet somehow manage to continuously say something idiotic that lands them in the spotlight. If you have yet to hear Ms. Hilton's latest intelligent statement, you are in for a treat. She was recorded in a New York cab saying, "Gay guys are the horniest people in the world. They're disgusting. Dude, most of them probably have AIDS. I would be so scared if I was a gay guy. You'll like, die of AIDS." Impressive isn't it?

Obviously Paris Hilton is not a homophobic. She "jokingly" made this completely insensitive comment to one of her gay male friends and has a very large gay following.  The problem that Paris Hilton has, is that she doesn't think before she speaks. As a public figure, this is the worst quality you can have. The killer is, this is not her first offense. She has been in similar situations before due to thoughtless comments. If I was her publicist, I would fire her. Can you imagine the damage control she has to do now? Paris has been all over the news apologizing for her careless words. The situation is so much worse than previous mishaps because the comment was made about the population that supports her the most. Paris made a public apology on the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) website. She took responsibility for her comment and said, "I am so sorry and so upset that I caused pain to my gay friends, and their families."

You should never ever insult or speak poorly about your target audience, they are the reason why you exist. I understand making a mistake once, but when you are constantly in the public eye, repeat mistakes kill your reputation. Case and point, Paris Hilton.

Until next time.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Just Keep Breathing


Hello friends,

Today is only Tuesday, and yet, I'm already exhausted and ready for the weekend. For some reason, yesterday I realized everything I have on my plate and it hit me right in the face.I became super overwhelmed and had a bit of a mini meltdown. Now I'm not a crazy person, I just don't think that I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a senior, and soon I will be starting my life in the big girl world.

There were many factors that led to my Monday from hell.
 1. It's already week five.
 2. My school work is piling up.
 3. Basketball starts in a month, and I don't feel mentally prepared.
 4. I'm stressing about finding a job after school.
 5. I don't feel like I have enough time to fit everything I need to get done into my schedule.

Thank God I have great parents, because I called them both yesterday for emotional support and guidance.
My mom gave me very little sympathy and basically just told me to suck it up. Even though I was a little irritated with her, she was right. I have been juggling a full schedule my entire life. I know that I can handle the work load, I just don't always handle my stress the best way.

An important person in my life sent me this text the other day and it really helped me put everything into perspective.

   "I know you're feeling a bit stressed out, but you need to remember that nothing worthwhile comes easy. That is something that you can relate to in a few aspects of your life; finishing college, finding a job and basketball. I don't need to tell you this, but you just need to stay positive. Things could be a lot worse, and you have hundreds of people who love you and support you. Just think how amazing traveling will be after all of your hard work. Keep smiling."

I really needed a pick-me-up like this to help keep everything in perspective. Things could be so much worse, and I am very fortunate to have my family, friends and the opportunities that I have. I just need to take a deep breath and stay focused.Hopefully the rest of the week will go a little smoother and I will refrain from any more mini meltdowns.

Is anyone else already overwhelmed with school, or am I loosing my marbles?

Until next time,


Pintrest is a wonderful place to find quotes to keep you positive, inspired and motivated!
This is how I try to live my life on a daily basis even when it is difficult to do so.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Podcasting for Dummies

Hello friends,

We've now switched back to David Meerman Scott's book, The New Rules of Marketing and PR.. This week, I got to read all about podcasting, and I might need to do some more reading. I have never done my own podcast or listened to one for that matter. Now I have been assigned to create my own podcast with another classmate for a grade. I definitely don't want to be the weak link, so I've found the chapter about podcasting extremely helpful.

This chapter featured some tips on starting a podcast. I want to share the ones that are going to save my butt.

Show preparation- This includes gathering ideas for the show and creating a script. ( I had no idea a podcast required a script.)

Recording when you are near your computer is done with a microphone that delivers audio into your computer. You need podcasting software as an interference to create and publish your podcast.

Phone interviews require a digital recording switch device, such as those that connect to your telephone. 

Post production editing sometimes includes running a noise-reduction program and sound compression. 

Tagging the audio involves adding text-based information about the audio to make it easier for people to find. This information is what appears in the search engines and audio distribution sites.

For those of you who already know everything about podcasts, don't laugh at me. I've just recently added my public relations minor, so I'm playing catch-up. This chapter was definitely a crash course, and I hope that the information it provided will help me to successfully complete my podcast assignment.

If anyone has any tips or additional information about podcasts that may help me out, please share!

Until next time,


Social Media Tips

Hello friends!

10 Social Media Tips from a Top Media Agency

I was perusing around on Pintrest, (I'm obsessed) and I came across some information that I thought was worth sharing. My typical Pintrest routine includes women's fashion, nail art and quotes, but I decided to look up social media.

While I was sorting through all of the pins, I found one titled,"Top 10 Social Media Tips." I figured there would be some valuable information, and I was right. I will share some of the helpful tips provided by ME Marketing Services.

1. Find the top influencers in your niche and follow them. You will be surprised at what you learn.
2. To gain exposure on LinkedIn, try posting & answering in the Answers section.
3. Questions & Pictures get the most response.
4. Use clean language. Using foul language or profanity is the quickest way to get unfollowed or blocked.
5. Welcome your new Twitter followers.  Send them a tweet or DM.
6. If pinning to Pinterest, pin from the original source or your website.
7. Acknowledge! People want to be noticed. Respond to mentions, posts, retweets and direct messages!
8. Share you links. You have an audience in each platform. Cross-promote your latest post or your website.
9. To educate yourself, subscribe to a few blogs from your niche.
10. You do not have to do it all! Pick the platforms that work best for your business and work them!
Now I know that some of these tips are ones that you've heard a million times, but some of them are new and I thought they were useful. What I really liked, was that not all of the tips were about one social media site. They covered multiple different sites like Pintrest, LinkedIn and Blogs.
Number six was one of the tips that I especially liked. I think it is really annoying when you click on an image and you can't get to the original site. You should pin from the original source, because the customer may want additional information about the product and it allows them to check out your company. Tip number four is very "common sense," but it is so true. Customers and readers are very turned off by foul language. It is offensive and it makes you look less credible. Intelligent people should be able to find a better way to voice their opinions. The last tip that I really liked was number five. I'm still new to Twitter, but I think welcoming new followers with a message is a great idea. If customers or "followers" feel welcomed, they are more inclined to pay attention to what you have to say.
I hope that you enjoyed these tips. If you have a favorite tip from this list, or have some tips of your own, please share!!
Until next time,

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A 'Sporting Chance'

Hello friends,

I was inspired to post today. Not many days do I have something that really moves me, but today I had a great experience and found that I had a subject very worthy of blogging.

Today the female athletes of Ohio Northern University celebrated 40 years of Title IX. For those of you who don't know, Title IX is one of the most important pieces of legislature ever passed in U.S history.This legislation states that,
 "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

As I walked into the North gym and saw all of my fellow female athletes congregated and wearing the same ONU shirt, I had an overwhelming feeling of pride. I then turned to one of my teammates who is also involved in Greek life and asked, "Is this what you feel like when all of your sorority sisters get together?" It was just an amazing moment to see all of those women gathered together to celebrate something that has impacted each and every one of our lives so drastically.

Coach Witte, whom I adore and who is such an advocate for women's athletics, spoke to us about Title IX and how far we have come as a nation and as a university. She introduced to us the women who have paved the way for female student athletes at Ohio Northern University. I have seen these women's faces on the wall as you enter our locker room, but I had never really stopped to think about what they had done for me. All three of the women Coach Witte spoke about struggled to gain equality for women at our university and worked hard to ensure that we were given the same opportunities as the men of ONU. I wanted to go up to them and sincerely thank them for all that they had done, but I had to get to my next class.

From left: Sheila Wallace-Kovalchik, Helen
Ludwig and Gayle Lauth circa 1972
  We then watched "Sporting Chance," a movie about Title IX that was featured on ESPN. If you get a chance, please watch this short movie. Regardless if you are a female, it is important to understand what an impact this legislation has had on our country. I sat in the bleachers, completely fixated on the screen. The women who spoke were so inspiring and so brave. I was so moved by their stories and what an impact their actions have had on my life, I was brought to tears. Granted, I am a sap and have no problem crying, but Title IX was and still is monumental to women's equality in our country.

I have always been an athlete. For as long as I can remember, I've had a competitive spirit and have loved to be active. I grew up in sports enthusiastic family that has always been extremely supportive of my athletic career. I played as many sports as I could fit into my schedule. Basketball, volleyball, softball and track consumed my life. I was also fortunate enough to be able to play travel basketball throughout the years.

Basketball was probably the first thing that I was every truly passionate about. I begged my mom and dad relentlessly to put a small court in our backyard until I finally got my way. I could not even begin to count the number of hours I have spent in a gym or out in my driveway with my dad practicing my game. I knew from a very early age that I wanted to play college basketball, and I worked extremely hard to fulfill that dream. Now that I'm in my senior year at ONU, playing my 14th year of basketball, I can not imagine what my life would be like without sports.

Not only do I enjoy playing basketball because I'm competitive and just because I love the game, but because of everything else that I have gained from being apart of something bigger than myself. Most of the friends that I have in my life are girls that I've met through playing basketball. If you haven't ever played a team sport, you can't understand how amazing it is to work so hard day in and day out with a group of people and achieving the goals that you set for one another. It truly is a feeling that can't be explained. Growing up, participating in team sports has also made me into the person that I am today. Playing basketball my whole life has taught me valuable lessons like hard work, determination, how to communicate effectively, teamwork,dedication, responsibility; I could go on and on. Athletics has had such a positive influence on my life, and none of it would be possible if women before me didn't fight for what they believed in.

I love my Polar Bear family!
I am so thankful to those women who stood up and said that they weren't going to be limited to what they could do. They fought for what they believed in, and in doing so, they changed the lives of every girl that came after them. We tend to take for granted all the wonderful things we have the opportunity to do, because we can't imagine a time when women weren't equal. I am guilty of this myself, but the Title IX presentation today really opened my eyes. The struggle that those women endured 40 years ago have not only allowed me to play the sport that I love, but have also allowed me to receive an education.

I am proud to be a female student athlete at Ohio Northern University and I am thankful for Title IX and all the people who fought to make my dreams achievable.

                                         The Legacy of Title IX at ONU
                                            OAC Team Titles- 62
                                            OAC Individual Titles-224
                                            1st Team All-OAC honorees- 247
                                            1st Team Academic All-OAC honorees- 227
                                            NCAA Team Appearances- 47
                                            NCAA Individual Appearances- 63
                                            All- Americans- 77
                                            Academic All-Americans- 39

This is a "sneak peak" of  Title IX : 'Sporting Chance' Not the full video, but still worth watching!

I apologize for the short novel, but this is a subject that I feel very strongly about and am very proud to be a part of.

Until next time,


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Teach Me the Ways Sensie

Hello friends!

My social media class has moved on to a new book and it's only week four. I just want to yell "slow down," but college does not operate that way. The book my professor assigned to us is Groundswell, written by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff. Similar to the last book we read, I've actually found the reading to be quite tolerable. Li and Bernoff provide valuable information that is interesting to read about and relevant to what I will be doing in the future.

For those of you who view my blog and are not a member of my social media class, I'll give you a brief explanation of groundswell.
The groundswell is:
     A social trend in which people use technologies to get the things they need from each other, rather than from traditional institutions like corporations.
     Basically, this means that the people have the power to find and share information through technologies like Facebook, blogs, wikis and other user-generated sites. I appreciate the concept of groundswell, because I think that information should be spread that way. Consumers are the reason why corporations stay in business. They should have the freedom to generate the information that they find to be the most important.

The chapter that I enjoyed reading this week compared groundswell to jujitsu. Like jujitsu, groundswell requires you to harness the power of your opponent for your own advantage. The book then is much like a sensie that teaches the techniques of the groundswell. What I loved about this chapter is that it explained exactly how to use different types of technology. Each category was followed by a brief explanation of how the technology works, how many people use them, how they form part of the groundswell, how they threaten institutional power and what you should do about them.

Due to the nature of this project, I want to briefly talk about blogs, user-generated content and podcasts. These three forms of technology are pretty self explanatory. The feature that makes all of these forms of  expression similar is that they encourage commentary and feedback. I have said before in previous posts that comment boxes are so important. If you give people the opportunity to voice their opinion, they will be much more inclined to give the necessary feedback a company needs to improve.

What I found most interesting was the number of people who either write or follow a blog. I may have underestimated the popularity of blogs because I am new to the world of blogging. The book says that 25% of online consumers read blogs and 29% watches use-generated videos. I feel that those statistics are substantial enough for any company to consider creating a blog. Despite the positive attributes of blogs and podcasts, they can pose as a threat to companies. The freedom that these technologies provide to consumers is risky. Anything is possible because anyone who has a computer and internet access can post whatever they feel like saying. So the beauty of the groundswell can also be a big problem for companies. Blogs and podcasts should be monitored to prevent unauthorized content or false information from being shared with the world.

This chapter was great because I am some what lacking in the technological category. The information was very helpful for me and I think that I have a much better grasp of the different technologies and how to use them effectively.

"It's great to learn, 'cause knowledge is power!"

Until next time,


Thank God for Facebook

Hello friends!

This summer I was fortunate enough to go to New York City with a few of my friends from my internship. We had an amazing time exploring the city and hitting up all of the "touristy" sites. After evaluating  my trip, one of the best nights we had in the city was at Pacha Night Club. Being from Northwest Ohio, I've never been to a club like Pacha before. Large cities all over the world have Pacha franchises, so the fact that I actually went to one was pretty awesome for me. The atmosphere was absolutely amazing and there were so many people. The night we went, Thomas Gold was the featured artist and the music was so good. It was probably one of the most fun nights I have ever had

I had such a good experience at the club that I decided to add Pacha NYC to my Facebook page. Now I receive frequent updates promoting new artists and upcoming events for the New York franchise.

When I view Pacha's page and look through all of the pictures and events, I wonder, "what did companies do before Facebook?" I think that we take for granted the impact that Facebook has had on businesses because our generation has grown up with the technology. Social media has become second nature to us, but when you stop and think about what it has done for establishments like Pacha, it's pretty remarkable.

In a world that is now so connected, Facebook has allowed companies to reach the masses and  put out the necessary content that they want their target audience to read. For example, Pacha's page displays pictures and videos of upcoming featured artists. The club has also included a link that allows people to pre-order tickets.I'm sure that prior to the invention of Facebook, clubs like Pacha had other effective methods to promote their events. I don't think that promotion gets any easier than with social media. The Pacha Facebook page has allowed for loyal followers to do their own promotion for the club. Thousands of fans have liked the page, and people from all over post  about events and their excitement for upcoming artists.

Even though I wont be going back to Pacha any time soon, I still enjoy getting updates. I think that whoever is in charge of their social media does a great job. The promotions always grab your attention without being obnoxious. What is so great about having a Facebook page, is that it allows the followers of Pacha to form their own community. People from all over the world who have experienced Pacha New York are able to connect with each other, and Facebook has made that possible.

I know that this is not new information to anyone. Most people have a hard time imagining what life was like before Xanga, MySpace and Facebook. Being that I will most likely use social media in my future job, all I can say is "Thank God for Facebook!" Mark Zuckerberg has made my life so much easier.

Until next time,


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Karaoke Queen

Hello friends!
Fundraising with Karaoke | Karaoke Fundraiser

First let me wish everyone a Happy Hump Day! Today, however, does not at all feel like a Wednesday. Don't get me wrong, I love a shorter school week, but Labor Day threw me off.
I know that everyone really enjoys Wednesdays because it marks the middle of the week and brings us closer to the weekend, but I love Wednesday for one reason, karaoke.

Most people that know me understand that I love to sing. I was a very proud choir geek in high school, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. I was involved in every form of choir that my school had to offer. I was even part of a barbershop quartet that competed in an international competition in Nashville. Sadly enough, college has made me choose between the two things I love most; basketball and singing. Due to my hectic class and basketball schedule, I am no longer able to sing formally. Completely cutting music out of my life is impossible, so I have found a way to get my weekly fix of performing.

Little Mexico is one of three bars in Ada, and every Wednesday they have karaoke. Now, I understand that karaoke does not even compare to singing in a group or having to read music, but I love it. Typically, karaoke is for the people that get a little brave once they've had a few drinks and sing an old throwback Backstreet Boys song. I take my karaoke much more seriously than that. That statement in itself is enough to make you laugh at me! I laugh at myself sometimes, but I can't help it, I miss singing. I have made an appearance at karaoke night religiously for the last year or so. I've gotten to the point that I know the guy who is in charge and he knows that as soon as I walk in, I'm ready to sing. He even knows my favorite song too. I never leave karaoke without singing Janis Joplin's" Me and Bobby McGee."

My friends are wonderful and support my karaoke career. Every Wednesday, they come up to the bar with me and listen to me sing. I get embarrassed when they cheer for me, but I love that they come and I always take their requests.

Some may think I'm strange because I go to karaoke every week, but I don't care. I have found a way to continue singing, and having a microphone in my hand again makes me happy. I feel welcomed when I step into Little Mexico. I've made connections with the owners and the people who work there.  Wednesday night karaoke has become an event that I look forward to every week. I get the opportunity to let my inner diva out and continue something that I love to do.

If you have never come in for karaoke night, I strongly suggest you make room for it in your schedule.  The bar is always packed and you're are sure to have a great time.

Do you have a hobby that makes you happy?

Until next time,


Monday, September 3, 2012

Blogging 101

Hello friends!

My social media class requires me to write three posts a week; one being about our class readings. After almost four years of college, I have come to the conclusion that reading for a class is never enjoyable. No matter which subject, I always find a way to doze off or find something better to do. Our reading for PR and Social Media has changed my perception of text books. David Meerman Scott published a wonderful book, The New Rules of Marketing and PR, that is full of valuable information that is actually interesting to read . In the book, Scott includes several chapters about blogging. I found this information to be especially helpful because I am new to this whole "blogging world."

I understand that some of my classmates have already posted about the blogging tips included in the book, but this information was the most valuable to me, so I have decided to discuss the tips in my blog this week.

Chapter 17 is all about blogging to reach your buyers. This topic resonates with me, because as a marketing major, understanding your target audience is rule number one. Much of the information in this chapter teaches you how to tailor your blog to your "buyers." Scott discuses several tips to keep in mind when creating and maintaining a blog. I won't talk about all of them, because this would be the longest post ever. I'm will talk about a few tips that were the most beneficial to me.

1. Think carefully about the name of your blog and its tagline.
2. The look and feel of the blog could be complementary to your corporate design guides, but should not be identical.
3. Opt to turn on a comments feature.
4. Don't cover too much. It is better to start with a narrow subject and leave room to expand.
5.Include an "About" page that has your picture, biography, affiliations and information about your blog.

All of these tips are not extremely complex, but if done properly, they can help to make your blog a success. Naming your blog can be tricky, but you wan't to create a name that is catchy, but will also be easily searchable.

The design of the blog is very important. I will not read an article or a blog if the layout is poor. I agree with Scott that the design should appear to customers as an independent voice, not directly from corporate. Although, some details are important to consider when creating a look for the blog. When I did my internship at a YMCA summer camp, there were several minor details that were important when updating Facebook or publishing any other printed material. Due to organizations's  re-branding process, the font was required to be the same for all material. You do have the freedom to  moderately differentiate the design of the blog, but I think that some details must stay uniform.

Comment boxes are extremely important if the goal of your blog is to receive feedback. I think that any company or organization that utilizes a blog should be required to have a comment box. A comment box serves as a very accessible tool for consumers to voice their opinions. If companies understand what their customers want, then they can make changes to better suit the needs of the target audience.

I feel that choosing a subject each week can be challenging. Sometimes you have so much you want to write about, but you can't bog down your readers with too much information. I do agree with Scott when he says your blog needs to be authentic. Nobody wants to read something that sounds like it came from a corporate robot. In order to truly reach your readers, you must be honest about the material you post, and present the information in a way that your target audience will connect with and understand.

In reference to the last tip I listed, I think that including an "About" page is crucial. My personal opinion is that an audience connects more with content when a they know where the material came from. I think that people are more inclined to read what you have to say if they can put a face to the author. If you don't add information about the author or a picture, the blog may loose credibility.

Scott also said to "pimp out your blog." I thought that this was very funny, but I don't know if I agree with the concept 100%. I do agree that specializing your blog and adding cool features shows the personality of the blogger, but sometimes I think all the bells and whistles can be too much. I prefer a page that does include some of the features, but I would rather read a blog that is easy to navigate.

I found this chapter about blogging 101 to be very helpful and I think that David Meerman Scott's tips will help me to improve my own blog each week.

What style of blog do you prefer to read?

Until next time.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Trying to keep up

Hello friends!

This week, I've been searching for a subject related to social media that I would actually enjoy writing about. As I was reading through articles, trying to find something inspiring, it dawned on me; I am not as "on board" with social media as I should be.

As a 21 year old marketing and public relations major, this sounds absolutely taboo. I should have all the bells and whistles like Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Instagram and LinkedIn, and I should be updating them multiple times a day. Mind you, I have an account for all but one of these social media sites, but I only really use about two of them. I understand the purpose social media serves and what a valuable tool social media is for companies, organization and individuals. The problem that I have, is that I don't always understand why we have to be so connected. I'm easily overwhelmed with all of the social media that most people find so important. Every morning is the same routine. Wake up, check the news, check Facebook, Twitter, my email and any other blog I may be following. Sometimes I just want to be completely "unplugged" and not have to worry about any type of mass media. I believe that these feelings are based primarily on the type of childhood I had. I was raised in a house where playing outside was really the only form of self entertainment. I often find myself wondering, if all of the social media is necessary and if it's all just superficial. Even though I have these occasional negative thoughts about social media, I truly do understand that it is part of the world we live in today, and it does serve a purpose.

This past week I kept a close eye on the Republican National Convention. As I sat on my couch listening to speech after speech, I decided to log on to the official CNN website and check the news from the week. I had a news quiz the next morning, so I had to make sure I knew what was going on in the world. I so happened to come across the 2012 Live Blog that was covering the convention  I was watching. At that moment I knew exactly what I wanted to blog about.

I already knew that all forms of social media were important to stay connected with an organizations publics', but I had this "ah-ha" moment as I followed this live blog. Here I was, sitting on my couch watching the convention, while following real time comments about the same event at the same time. The blog had live updates from correspondents in attendance, as well as from ordinary citizens. Some of the posts included pictures, while others were just peoples' opinions of what had been said. What I really enjoyed was the interactive communication from contributors. Some people were posting to ask what everyone else thought of a specific politicians speech. The conversation was great and I found the posts very interesting to read, especially those regarding different peoples' opinions. The blog also included polls that readers could vote on such as, "Who gave the best speech at the GOP convention." I myself did not choose to chime in, but I found the blog to be very enlightening and a good use of public relations and social media.

CNN was very smart to hold a live blog spot on their website that readers could use to voice their opinions. The Presidential Election is generally a time when people have the most to say, so providing an outlet for this type of political expression was a great way to involve the public. The live feed was an excellent way for voters to be exposed to different opinions and learn more about the Republican candidate. The posts from the CNN correspondents made you feel as if you were at the convention yourself. They were able to give you "behind the scenes" coverage that viewers were not able to receive by watching the Republican National Convention on television.

After following the live blog, I do think that more organizations could use this type of interactive blog on their websites. A blog would be such a great tool to use to encourage feedback from the public. Many times, customers want to talk about their experiences with a product or service, but don't have any easy-to-use medium to do so.

Although I still may have doubts about social media, I have a better understanding of why it is so important to be connected. The live convention blog opened  my eyes to how valuable this type of social media can be. Americans from all over the country were able to discuss their opinions about the Republican candidate as they were watching the convention unfold. There is no other system that would allow for that many individuals to be connected and share information at the same time.

I will make a valiant effort to immerse myself in the world of social media and try to become more in-tune with the fast pace world around me.

Does anyone else feel the same way about all of the social media, or am I the "Lone Ranger" on this subject?

Instagram photo posted on the 2012 CNN Live Blog 
Until next time,


"We have technology, finally, that for the first time in human history allows people to really maintain rich connections with much larger numbers of people."
  - Pierre Omidyar, eBay Founder