Hello friends,
Sorry for another blog; this was a bad week for me. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Normally I wake up with a case of the Mondays, but not this week. I have not been home since the beginning of October. Basketball and school have literally consumed my life and prevented me from taking any trips home. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm very close with my family. I talk to my mom and dad almost every other day and I chat with my sister on Facebook. That's all good, but I am in need of some quality family time.
Tomorrow my brother and I are going home!! Neither one of us were proactive and got an absentee ballot, so we have to vote at our precinct in Gibsonburg. We could just not vote, but my mom wouldn't speak to either one of us. So we are going home tomorrow night and then voting early in the morning when the polls open so that we can get back to Ada in time for class.
Tuesday marks the day of the election and my mom's birthday, so we are meeting my family in Bowling Green for dinner. I can not remember the last time the five of us sat down for dinner, let alone went out to eat. I am beyond excited to see everyone. We have so much to talk about since it's been so long since I've been home. My sister and I will definitely be having a conversation. I just found out today on Facebook that she has a new little boyfriend. I "creeped" his Facebook page and I'm not sure I approve. I'm really looking forward to just sitting and talking with my mom and dad and I'm especially excited to see my dogs!
I wish that I could go home more often, but this separation makes me appreciate the time that I have with them. It's probably good preparation for the future because I don't plan on living in Gibsonburg for the rest of my life. Hopefully my coach actually gets us out of practice on time so I can leave as soon as possible. I'll get there when I get there, but I just can't wait to have all of my favorite people together at the same time.
Until next time,
We can't wait to see you either! Emma has vball tryouts 5-7 and we will be there soon after! I would speak to you if you didn't vote, but i would be VERY disappointed. It is THE most important election of your life. :) Anyhow, what a great bday present to have us all together!