It is not a beautiful day in the neighborhood today. Not at all. I generally try to wake up on the right side of the bed every morning. I'm usually very cheery and happy all of the time. When I woke up this morning and looked out my window, I felt the exact opposite.
I kind of feel bad for Mondays because they have a bad reputation. Nobody likes Monday because it starts the beginning of another long school week. This morning, Monday didn't help its case. I woke up to cold, rainy, nasty weather. It's the type of weather that makes you want to put on a big comfy sweat shirt and lay in bed all day watching TLC. Even though that sounds like a perfect way to spend the day, I have responsibilities. So I got myself out of bed, put some rain boots on, grabbed a large umbrella, and walked to work.
When I got to work I thought it would be a normal 9:00 a.m. shift. Normally I either do homework or stuff envelopes because there aren't many families that need a tour of campus that early in the day. Oh boy was I wrong! The waiting room was full of families eager to see Ohio Northern. I was even lucky enough to give a tour to three of those families at one time. I love my job as Bear Ambassador, but I do not love giving tours in the rain. We can't control the weather, so I sucked it up and gave them a pretty darn good tour.
Hopefully my day gets a little better, because I definitely have a case of the Monday morning blues. Too bad the health clinic can't give me anything for that because I could really use a pick me up. I think I will just take a nap and try and start my day over and wake up on the right side of the bed this time.
I hope everyone else is having a much more pleasant day despite the weather!
Until next time,
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